Indian Desserts

Atte ki Churi

Total Time : 15-20 mins

Cook Time : 10-15 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : NA

Atte ki churi is eaten in winter mostly. My mom and bhua also gave this when we had throat pain. They put a lot a ghee and asked us to swallow whole big balls of this churi. Its so delicious , who wants to swallow it? We would secretly savor it!😊


  • 2 cup whole wheat atta

      • 1 cup water

      • 1 cup caster sugar

      • 1/4 cup sliced almonds

      • 1/4 cup golden raisins

      • 1/4 cup char magaz


      • Make fresh dough with the atta and water . Make it a consistency to make rotis

      • Now roll a roti and half cook it on the tawa

      • Take the half cook roti, break it put ghee in it and cook again

      • Do this process 2-3 times till the roti is fully cooked

      • Repeat process with the remaining atta dough

      • Once all the rotis are cooked coarsely grind in a food processor

      • Lightly roast the nuts and raisins in the remaining ghee

      • Add these nuts and sugar to ground rotis

      • Serve hot as dessert or with a cup of milk


Badam Burfi

Total Time : 3-4 hours

Cook Time : 20-22 mins

Prep Time : 40 mins

Cool Time : 2-3 hours

I make this Burfi almost every Diwali, healthy and delicious 😊


  • 1 cup almonds/almond flour

      • 3/4 cup caster sugar

  • 1 tsp kesar strands soaked in hot water

  • 8-10 cardamom's

  • 4-5 tablespoon ghee

  • 1/4 cup golden raisins

  • 1 cup milk


      • Soak 1 tsp of kesar in quarter cup water and microwave for a minute and let it stand for 10 mins

      • Take 8-10 green cardamom skin it and extract the seeds. Now grind the seeds fine and set aside

  • Soak almonds in water overnight or you can put the almonds in a microwaveable bowl fill with water and microwave on high for 3-4 mins

  • Once the water cools a bit you can remove the skins and grind it in a blender till fine

  • If grinding make sure that you pause in between else you will almond butter

  • You can skip the above steps if you want to use almond flour

  • If you use almond flour be aware that the burfi will be darker in color

  • Now add milk and sugar to a pan and bring it to a boil

  • Add the almond flour, golden raisins and kesar water in the pan

  • Mix well and make sure that there are no lumps

  • Add 3-4 tablespoons of ghee

  • Cook on medium flame till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan

  • Once the mixture leaves the sides of the pan remove from flame and add the cardamom powder and mix well

  • Now grease a plate with 1-2 tablespoons of melted ghee

  • Pour the almond mixture in it and pat it down neatly

  • You can put some ground pista's or sliced almonds on top for decoration if you want

  • Keep the burfi aside and let is set for a few hours before slicing it


Badam Katli

Total Time : 30-40 mins

Cook Time : 10-15 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup fine almond flour

      • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 5-7 cardamom's

  • 1 tablespoon ghee

  • Varak or solver foil


      • Add water and sugar in a pan and mix on high heat till sugar is fully dissolved

      • Stir for another minute

      • Now add the almond flour and ghee

      • Mix well till it leaves the pan and comes together

      • To test if the almond mixture is ready take a small piece and roll in your hand

      • If it doesnot stick then its ready else cook for a few more minutes

      • Now oil/ghee back of a flat plater, pan or parchment paper

      • After the mixture has cooled and safe to touch knead well and roll on prepared parchment paper with a rolling pin

      • Put silver foil (optional)

      • Cut diagonally into diamond shapes, let it set for 5-10 mins


Besan Ka Halwa

Caramel Custard

Total Time : 4-5 hours

Cook Time : 20-30 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : 3-4 hours

This is one of my all time favorite desserts. Mom made it often for me and I lapped it up 😊


  • 1/4 cup caster sugar for the caramel

  • 2 and 1/4 cup of whole milk

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 cup caster sugar for the custard

  • 1 tsp vanilla essence


      • First make the caramel: Add 1/4 cup of sugar to a vessel which will be used for steaming the custard

      • Spread the sugar with a few spoons of water in the vessel and place on medium heat till sugar dissolves and turns medium brown

      • Remove the pan from the stove and keep on the side making sugar that the caramel doesnot crack

      • Beat eggs and vanilla essence in a stand mixer till them become voluminous and pale yellow

      • In the meantime heat the milk and sugar in a sauce pan on the stove top but the milk should not boil

      • Now slowly add the hot milk into the whisked eggs while continuously stirring making sure that you donot scramble the eggs

      • Now take the mixture and pour it in the vessel which has the caramel cooled and set

      • Now take a pressure cooker add water at the bottom and put the stand in it

      • Warm the water and keep this pan on the stand

      • Close the lid but not the weight

      • Steam this in the cooker for 20-30 mins till the custard is set but yet jiggly

      • Let the custard cool down and then transfer to the fridge and chill for 3-4 hours

      • Once chilled the custard can be overturned on a serving dish


Chawal ki Kheer

Total Time : 30-40 mins

Cook Time : 15-20 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup chawal- basmati

      • 1/2 cup caster sugar - or more depending upon how sweet you like it

  • 1 litre milk

  • 5-7 cardamom's - crushed

  • 1 tablespoon ghee

  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds

  • 1/4 cup golden raisins

  • 2 tbsp chironji

  • 10-15 strands of saffron


      • Heat saffron for 30 sec in 1/4 cup water in microwave

      • Wash the chawal well and set aside

      • Add chawal, raisins, chironji, badams to milk and cook till chawal is cooked - 15-20 mins

      • Add the saffron water and strands

      • After chawal is cooked add the sugar and cook for another 5 mins

      • In the end add the crushed cardomon and turn off the stove

      • Enjoy cold or warm

Dudh/Kesari Peda

Total Time : 1 hour

Cook Time : 20-22 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : 10-15 mins

Do you remember the peda's from Dharwad? These pedas come pretty close them 😊


  • 300gms store bought or home made khoya(mawa)

      • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • 1 tsp kesar strands soaked in hot milk

  • 8-10 cardamom's

  • 4-5 tablespoon ghee

  • 2 tablespoons of milk

  • 10-12 slivered/full almonds or pistas


      • Soak 1 tsp of kesar in mik and microwave for a minute and let it stand for 10 mins

      • Take 8-10 green cardamom skin it and extract the seeds. Now grind the seeds fine and set aside

  • Add crumbled khoya and sugar in a pan on medium heat

  • The khoya will start melting and then start thickening again

  • Add the kesar milk to the pan

  • Once the khoya thickens again and becomes sticky turn off the stove and then add the cardamom powder and mix well

  • Let the khoya mixture cool till its cool enough to touch

  • Once its cool enough to touch roll the dough and gently knead.

  • Add the ghee at this point for a good shine

  • Now shape the pedas into small bowls and make a thumbprint in the center

  • You can garnish the pedas with slivered/full almonds or pistas


Dry Fruit Laddu/Barfi

Total Time : 30-40 mins

Cook Time : 10-15 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup almonds

  • 1 cup cashew

  • 1 cup akhrot/walnuts

  • 1/2 cup pista

  • 4 tbsp poppy seeds/khus khus

  • 4 tbsp char magaz/ melon seeds

  • 1/2 stick, 1/4 cup butter/ghee

      • 4 cups pitted dates or more if they are not moist

      • 1 tsp cardomom powder


      • Add dry fruits into a pan with butter/ghee and roast for 5 mins

      • Remove the dry fuits and set aside

      • Dry roast the poppy seeds and char magaz and set aside

      • In a fruit processor grind the pitted dates

      • Now cook them for 5 mins on medium low heat

      • Add nuts, char magaz and khus khus to the cooked dates

      • Continue cooking till the mixture comes together

      • Add cardomom powder, mix well and turn the heat off

      • Let it cool for a few mins till mixture is a little cool so it can be touched but not too cool

      • Form into balls or pour on a greased tray

      • Cut into pieces and let it sit for an hour so it sets well


Gajjar Ka Halwa

Total Time : 2 hours

Cook Time : 45-60 mins

Prep Time : 10-15 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup slivered almonds

  • 1/2 cup char magaz

  • 1/4 cup golden raisins

  • 10-15 carrots

  • 2 cups heavy cream( milk for healthier version)

  • 1/2 cup butter (1/4 cup for healthier version)

  • 1 tsp crushed green cardamom powder

  • 2 cup sugar ( you can add more/less if you want it sweeter)


  • Peel, wash and grate the carrots

  • Add carrots, heavy cream, butter to a cooker and cook at medium-low heat for 10 mins after the whistle

  • After the steam of cooker is gone, add almonds, char magaz, raisins and continue cooking till all the moisture is gone

  • After that add sugar, the mixture again will get wattery, continue cooking till it becomes dry

  • Turn off the heat, add the cardomom powder , mix well.

  • Eat fresh!

Gujiyas (Air Fryer)

Kaju Katli

Total Time : 30-40 mins

Cook Time : 10-15 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup fine cashew flour

      • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 5-7 cardamom's

  • 1 tablespoon ghee

  • Varak or solver foil


      • Add water and sugar in a pan and mix on high heat till sugar is fully dissolved

      • Stir for another minute

      • Now add the almond flour and ghee

      • Mix well till it leaves the pan and comes together

      • To test if the cashew mixture is ready take a small piece and roll in your hand

      • If it doesnot stick then its ready else cook for a few more minutes

      • Now oil/ghee back of a flat plater, pan or parchment paper

      • After the mixture has cooled and safe to touch knead well and roll on prepared parchment paper with a rolling pin

      • Put silver foil (optional)

      • Cut diagonally into diamond shapes, let it set for 5-10 mins



Nariyal Ki Barfi

Total Time : 4-5 hours

Cook Time : 30-40 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : 3-4 hours

I make this Burfi almost every Diwali, healthy and delicious 😊


  • 4 and 1/2 cup shredded coconut

      • 2 cups caster sugar

  • 8-10 cardamom's

  • 4-5 tablespoon ghee

  • 1 cup + 2 Tbsp sliced almonds

  • 1 cup golden raisins

  • 2 cup milk


      • Take 8-10 green cardamom skin it and extract the seeds. Now grind the seeds fine and set aside

  • Add coconut, sliced almonds ,raisins and milk in a pan and cook down the milk till it almost evaporates

  • Add 3-4 tablespoons of ghee

  • Now add sugar and cook again since sugar melts and releases water. Cook till all the water has evaporated

  • Cook on medium flame till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan

  • Once the mixture leaves the sides of the pan remove from flame and add the cardamom powder and mix well

  • Now grease a plate with 1-2 tablespoons of melted ghee

  • Pour the coconut mixture in it and pat it down neatly

  • You can put some ground pista's or sliced almonds on top for decoration if you want

  • Keep the burfi aside and let is set for a 3-4 hours hours before slicing it


Oats Modak

Total Time : 1 hour

Cook Time : 10-15 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : 10-15 mins

Made these modaks this Ganesh Chaturti healthy and delicious 😊


  • 4 cups rolled oats

      • 2 cups walnuts

  • 2 cups mixed nuts

  • 2 cups jaggery

  • 1/2 cup ghee

  • 1 cup golden raisins


      • Lightly roast the oats on low heat till golden brown and set aside to cool

      • Lightly roast the walnuts and mixed nuts separately and keep aside to cool

      • Take jaggery and break it out into smaller pieces

      • Now grind the oats, walnuts and mixed nuts separately and put them in a bowl

      • Add 1/2 cup ghee and jaggery and mix well

      • Press the mix into the modak mold

  • Lo and behold the modaks are ready!


Pineapple Halwa

Total Time : 40-50 mins

Cook Time : 30-40 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : NA

I make this Burfi almost every Diwali, healthy and delicious 😊


  • 1 cup pineapple

  • 3/4 cup sooji

  • 1/2 cup caster sugar

  • 8-10 cardamom's

  • 1/2 cup ghee

  • 12-15 cashews/almonds - halved

  • 1 cup golden raisins

  • 2 cup water

  • 1 tsp kesar strands


      • Soak 1 tsp of kesar in water and microwave for a minute and let it stand for 10 mins

      • Take 8-10 green cardamom skin it and extract the seeds. Now grind the seeds fine and set aside

      • Coarsely crush the pineapple in a food processor

      • Add the crushed pineapple, water and sugar in a sauce pan and cook well till all the sugar dissolves and its boiling

      • In another saucepan fry the sooji, cashews and raisin in ghee till the cashews are golden and the sooji emits a nice aroma - about 5 mins

      • Now add this sooji mixture to the pineapple mixture and keep stirring till the mixture comes together

      • Switch off the stove and stir in the ground cardamom

      • Mix well and serve hot



Total Time : 40-50 mins

Cook Time : 30-40 mins

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cool Time : NA

Pinis are traditional Punjabi sweets any time of the year. You can make them with atta, besan or urad dal flour. I am writing the recipe with besan below but you can substitute with either atta or urad dal flour. Growing up mom made loads of these and I would skip dinner to gorge on these pini's later. They are very easy to make as well😊


  • 2 cup besan

  • 1 and 1/2 cup powdered sugar

  • 2 cup + 2 tbsp ghee

  • 1 cup almonds

  • 1 cup golden raisins

  • 8-10 cardamom's

  • Few Almonds for garnish


      • Take 8-10 green cardamom , skin them, take out seeds and grind them coarsely

      • Take the almonds in a microwaveable bowl, fill with water and microwave on high heat for 3-4 mins

      • Wait for the water to cool down, peel the almonds and coarsely grind them in the food processor

      • Heat up ghee in a pot, add the besan and fry it till fragrant and the color turns brown

      • Turn the stove off

      • Add golden raisins and the ground almonds to the mixture and let is sit till its cool

      • Once its cooled completely add the sugar to the mixture and mix well

      • Make sure you dont add the sugar when the mixture is hot else it will melt the sugar and make the mixture watery

      • Grease a plate with ghee

      • Now form small balls with the mixture and put them on the greased plate

      • If you want you can garnish the pini's with almonds

      • Pini's are ready to eat.


Sooji Ka Halwa/ Kesari Bhath

Seviyan ki Kheer

Total Time : 30-40 mins

Cook Time : 15-20 mins

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cool Time : 5-10 mins

Made this as a healthy alternative to junk for my kids 😊


  • 1 cup seviyan

      • 1/2 cup caster sugar - or more depending upon how sweet you like it

  • 1 litre milk

  • 5-7 cardamom's - crushed

  • 1 tablespoon ghee

  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds

  • 1/4 cup golden raisins

  • 2 tbsp chironji

  • 10-15 strands of saffron


      • Heat saffron for 30 sec in 1/4 cup water in microwave

      • Roast seviyan in ghee

      • Add seviayn, raisins, chironji, badams to milk and cook till seviyan is cooked - 15-20 mins

      • Add the saffron water and strands

      • After seviyan is cooked add the sugar and cook for another 5 mins

      • In the end add the crushed cardomon and turn off the stove

      • Enjoy cold or warm